Charge Point Installer (CPI)

Electric car usage is increasing every year, and so is the number of charge points available for electric cars. In the UK, an estimated 7,600 EV charger points were added in 2021 alone. These EV charging stations were installed at homes and businesses to expand the charging point network.

The people behind the installation of all these points are charge point installers.


What is a Charge Point Installer?

A charge point installer is a qualified technician who knows how to install an electric car charger safely in a residential or commercial environment. They will be certified electricians who have also completed a course or certification in electric vehicle charge point installation.

Charge your electric car at home

Installing a home charging point increases the convenience of charging your electric vehicle. It is also less expensive in most circumstances. A qualified charge point installer can visit your home, assess the available electrical installation, and help you install the correct EV charging equipment, and network devices needed for a stable communication with the internet.

Public and Commercial electric car charging points

A car charging point in a public or commercial area is a great way to bring more EV drivers to a business or area. While these installations may be larger or more complex, a qualified electrician will be able to determine, plan and execute the best way to install the required number of EV charging points.


Does a CPI Need to be Licensed?

A person who installs EV chargers should be a licensed electrician. They will need to assess the electrical capabilities of the home or business. Then, they can decide on the safest and best way to install the correct charging equipment.

Use qualified, licensed, and insured electricians for home and business works

Electric car owners and business owners should only use qualified electricians to install EV chargers. Improper installation can lead to several problems:

  • Damage to the EV home charger or commercial installation
  • Overload of the electricity supply meter or local grid
  • Possible slow or faulty performance while charging electric cars

Insurance companies may also refuse to insure an installation by an unlicensed contractor. Make sure to collect the documentation of the installation work.

Individual companies can certify installers of their products

Some electric car companies and EV charger manufacturers offer their own certification programs for installers. These certified installers will be familiar with the products they are installing. This should lead to fewer problems and a smooth installation process.

Government grant schemes may require licensed contractors

There are some government grants, such as the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme, that offer a discount for EV owners who install EV home chargers. These installations must be carried out by an approved installer in order to qualify for the grant.


what is V2G


How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Installer?

The cost of installation for home EV chargers can be difficult to estimate because of the variety of chargers and capabilities. However, current costs seem to be about 50% of the cost of the charging equipment. So, a tethered charger or smart charging point that costs £800 to buy may also cost around £400 to install.

Installation at commercial premises may be considerably more expensive. The costs will be affected by several factors:

  • The number of chargers being installed simultaneously
  • Total charging current being managed
  • Installation of other equipment, such as smart charging technology

Is a Home Charger Worth the Cost?

Installing a home charger makes a lot of sense if you own an electric car. Flexible charging schedules can lower your electricity bill, especially if you have access to a lower electricity tariff at nighttime. Of course, you will need a dedicated off-street parking space for your EV home charger.


Should You Become a Charge Point Installer?

If you are already a licensed electrician, then adding a certification for charging point installation makes a lot of sense. Here are a few reasons to add this service to your business:

  • Increasing demand makes this a year-round service.
  • Home installations are smaller jobs that can be beneficial for cash flow.
  • Commercial installers can take on lucrative larger jobs.

Becoming a charge point installer is not difficult for a licensed electrician. Someone who is not licensed may need to do some additional training prior to carrying out any installations.



A charge point installer is a valuable part of the shift to the electric car as the primary mode of transportation. These technicians are empowering the rapid growth of the EV charging network. As the network of electric car charging points grows, it will be easier and less expensive to charge your electric vehicle.

If you'd like to know more about the EV charging industry or have questions about the role of Charge point installer (CPI), please read more of our glossary pages.